2023-2024 Awards
Walter S. Johnson
Award: $12,768
These funds will help support students who have experienced homelessness, and/or are eligible to participate in the Shasta College SCI*Fi program.
Mentor Innovation Grant -CECMP, Early Mentor Trauma-Informed Practices Workshop
Award: $1,950
These funds will support a Spring Institute: Trauma-Informed Practices in Early Childhood Education retreat for faculty, staff, and community partners. This retreat will help educate teachers in trauma-informed practices to support young children in the classroom.
Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) Acceleration Grant
Award: $162,091
The program intends to develop and implement ZTC degrees and prioritize Open Educational Resources (OER) as a strategy to “reduce the overall cost of education for students and decrease the time it takes students to complete degree programs offered by community colleges.”.
Umoja 2022-23
An additional award of $144,607 and an extension to the grant term was made to support students through the 24-25 academic year. For more information on this award, visit our “2022-2023 Awards” page, where the original award information can be found.
Heavy Duty Electric Vehicle Project
Award: $260,000
This agreement with San Diego Community College District is for the implementation of the electric engine curriculum into our courses at Shasta College.
Butte County Office of Education – STEP-UP
Award: $35,000
For the purpose of providing the Shasta Tehama Education Program-Unified Partnership (STEP-UP). Shasta College will provide high-quality college and career pathways to adults (students) with current involvement in the criminal justice system for up to 10 students per academic year. Deliver of services to include: academic and non-academic support services, program leadership and oversight, and convene regular STEP-UP advisory committee meetings for the purpose of communication and the evaluation of data.
2024 #CaliforniansForAll College Corps
Award: $2,001,312
This grant will extend the existing CA College Corps program at Shasta College for an additional two years. Funds support students volunteering at a local non-profit focusing on education, climate change, food insecurity, or health and human services. Students receive an educational award as well as a cost-of-living stipend for their service. Students and community organizations receive training and support to be successful in this service partnership.
Apprenticeship Pathway Demonstration Project (APDP)
Award: $99,000
The Apprenticeship Pathway Demonstration Project will support, coordinate, and track the efforts of an initial cohort of community college apprenticeship programs across the state as they seek to convert existing apprenticeship programs into for-credit pathways culminating in certificates, associate degrees, and the new community college baccalaureate degrees.