The purpose of the Academic Senate of Shasta College is to consult with and make recommendations to the administration and the governing board with respect to academic and professional matters. Our primary function is to provide a formal means whereby college faculty can make recommendations to the administration and governing board or their representatives and meet and confer with the administration and governing board or their representatives regarding these recommendations. These areas would include any district policy or procedure relating to academic and professional matters, such as curriculum, student relations, selection of administrators, professional relations, and any other matter not specifically within the scope of the employee collective bargaining agreements under California law or any area specifically excluded by California law.

Academic Senate meetings are the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 3:00 – 5:00 pm in Room 1102

Academic Senate Executive Committee 2024 – 2025 Representatives

SLAM – Science, Language Arts & Math: 3 Representatives
  • Scott Croes - Sciences
  • Leo Fong - Language Arts
  • Jun Ma - Math
ACSS – Arts, Communications and Social Sciences: 2 Representatives
  • Jacquelyn Horton - Arts, Communications, and World Languages
  • Lenore Watson - Social Sciences
BACTE – Business, Agriculture, & CTE: 2 Representatives
  • Chelsea Hendershot - Business and Technology
  • Jay Davis - Agriculture and Industry
DAPS – Development, Athletics, Physical Education, & Safety: 1 Representative
  • Brad Rupert (Fall), Craig Thompson (Spring)
HSUP – Health Sciences and University Programs: 1 Representative
  •  Carie Rosensteel
Non-Instructional Faculty, ESL, STU: 2 Representatives
  • Chase Brown - Counseling, EOPS/PACE, and Wellness
  • Cheryl Cruse - Library, ESL, and STU
At-Large: 7 Representatives
  • Brittany Wiley (F24-S26)
  • Pete Dickerson (F24-S26)
  • Joanne Tippin (F24-S26) 
  • Jennifer Costillo (F24-S26)
  • Susan Westler (F23 – S25)
  • Kari Aranbul (F23 – S25)
  • Kate Ashbey (F23 – S25)
Part Time Faculty: 3 Representatives
  • Corrinne Minnard
  • Leslie Ellingson
  • Alan Spivey

2024 – 2025 Officers and Committee Co-Chairs

Academic Senate Committee Officers
  • Cathy Anderson - President
  • Carie Rosensteel - Vice President
  • Leo Fong - Secretary
Standing Subcommittees Co-Chairs
  • Scott Yates and Ioanna Iatridis - Curriculum Committee
  • Rebecka Renfer and Carlos Reyes - General Education Committee
  • Lenore Watson and Tim Johnston - Scholastic Standards Committee
  • Kari Aranbul, Kate Ashbey, and Will Breitbach - SLO Committee 
  • Valerie Ambrose and Will Breitbach - Faculty Excellence Committee
Joint Committees Tri-Chairs
  • Kate Mahar, Bex Davis, and Heather Wylie - Student Success Committee
  • Valerie Ambrose - Professional Development