CTE Academy
Local high school and adult learners will get hands-on learning participating in a CTE Academy offered at the Shasta College main campus!
Each CTE Academy is offered on select Fridays from 9-1pm, unless noted otherwise, throughout each semester. Students are given instruction by our industry expert faculty, utilizing professional equipment, while learning and practicing technical skills found in today's industry. Lunch is provided!
Advisors or coordinators, schedule your students for a FREE CTE Academy by clicking the Schedule Now button below and submitting the registration form*. The email on the registration form will receive communication before and after your scheduled date with important details, so please enter information for the chaperone(s) that will be attending.
Online booking is unavailable until further notice.
UPDATE: To schedule your students for an Auto or Diesel CTE Academy only, please call Sarabeth at (530) 242-7627 or email sangel-towner@shastacollege.edu.
Diesel Technology
Welding Technology
Early Childhood Education
More Career Technical Education (CTE) Disciplines
CTE Academy dates are added prior to the start of each semester. Please check back regularly.
Note: Lunch orders are placed per your group headcount and are confirmed the week prior to your visit. Changes to this confirmed headcount may be difficult to accommodate and must be disclosed as soon as possible for any feasible adjustment. Due to meal, gear, and supply preparation, there is no guarantee accommodation can be made for an increase of student participants within a week of your scheduled visit.
*We are thrilled to provide this opportunity to you and your students and carefully coordinate the Academy specifically for your visit! Please be mindful of this commitment. Cancelations within 2 weeks of your scheduled Academy or spots for no-show students cannot be made available to other students or schools and may result in a penalty for your school participating in the future.
Questions? Please contact Sarabeth Angel-Towner, Interim Project Coordinator CTE Outreach, at (530) 242-7627 or sangel-towner@shastacollege.edu.
Made possible in part by Strong Workforce Program (SWP): More and Better Career Technical Education to Increase Social Mobility and Fuel Regional Economies with Skilled Workers