Associate in Science | SC Program: AS.1173

Program Overview

To learn more about the program including accreditation, application process, enrollment criteria, and more, please visit the Dental Hygiene Program website.

Dental Hygiene

The Dental Hygiene Program is designed to prepare students to enter the workforce with the skills required to fulfill the duties of the dental hygienist as outlined by the state and national regulatory and accrediting bodies of the dental hygiene profession. The goal is to graduate dental hygienists who have specific knowledge of the dental hygiene profession and dental hygiene process of care, utilize a sophisticated level of thinking ability, and have the positive character traits (responsibility, professionalism, discipline, critical thinking, and initiative) necessary to succeed within their scope of practice.

All courses in the program will employ an integrated teaching strategy that will include development of critical thinking and clinical skills requiring competence in oral and written English communication, and competence in applied math for problem solving. In addition, all courses will provide a broad understanding of all aspects of the dental hygiene and dental professions. The program will be articulated with various transfer institutions so that those students who choose to transfer for further study may do so.

Students who graduate from the dental hygiene program will be eligible to take the national and state examinations to pursue licensure as a dental hygienist with certification in soft tissue curettage, local anesthesia, nitrous oxide/oxygen sedation, application of pit and fissure sealants, and radiation safety.

This degree is approved through the California Community College Chancellor’s Office. Upon satisfactory completion of all degree requirements and filing an application for graduation with Admissions and Records, the student’s transcript will reflect completion of this degree.

Program Learning Outcomes

  • Ninety-five percent of those students who are eligible to sit for the Mock National Board Dental Hygiene Examination will pass their examination on the first attempt.
  • Upon completion and passing the mock NBDHE examination, ninety percent of those students who sit for the mock State Board Exam will pass their examination on the first attempt. 

Requirements for Enrollment into the Program

Space in the program is limited. A new class is enrolled every fall semester. In order to be eligible for enrollment, students must file an enrollment packet with the Admissions office during a designated enrollment period. All qualified applicants are offered enrollment on a space-available basis in the order of their application ranking. Final selection of qualified applicants is competitive.

Students must meet all the following requirements for application
  • Students must have a high school diploma or its equivalent.
  • The “Prerequisite Science” courses listed below must be competed with a grade of C or higher in each course and a minimum science 2.5 GPA.
  • Students must complete the remaining general “PREREQUISITE" courses listed below must be completed with an overall minimum of 2.5 GPA.
  • Prerequisites must be completed upon application. No in-progress courses will be accepted.
  • Spring 2020 applicants must have completed ASGE requirements prior to application to the Shasta College Dental Hygiene program.

Graduation Requirements

Students must graduate from the Dental Hygiene Program to be eligible to take the state licensing examination. Students must complete the following additional requirements for graduation before applying to the dental hygiene program:

  • Completion of the Humanities requirement.
  • Completion of the multi-cultural awareness requirement.
  • Completion of computer literacy.
  • Completion of competence in mathematics.

Health & Safety Clinical Clearance

Upon acceptance for enrollment, students must meet additional clinical requirements. All students participating in clinical experiences must submit proof of immunity of specific immunizations or serum titers, cleared criminal background check, negative drug screen, current physical examination and negative TB screening, and provide current valid Basic Life Support-Health Care Provider card (CPR) which includes adult, child & infant resuscitation with two person rescue and AED training). Students are financially responsible for meeting these requirements according to established program process. Specific information is available on the Health and Safety Requirements tab on the website or students may call the Division Office (530-339-3600).

Degree Requirements

Students must be enrolled in the Dental Hygiene Program in order to take the courses listed below. Students must show competence in all semester courses (with a grade of C or better) in order to progress through the curriculum. A failing grade in any theory or clinical course within a semester will require withdrawal or result in failure from the program.

Choose your path

Map your education by viewing the program map for the degree or certificate you’re interested in earning below. Meet with a counselor to create your official comprehensive education plan.

A program map shows all the required and recommended courses you need to graduate and a suggested order in which you should take them. The suggested sequence of courses is based on enrollment and includes all major and general education courses required for the degree.

Fall Semester, First Year

14 Units Total
M 3
Oral Biology
Units 3
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program.

This course covers the study of embryology and histology of oral structural formation, clinical recognition of normal oral structures, the physiological and structural functions of teeth and supporting tissues, and oral anatomy relative to proper dental hygiene procedures.
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M 3
Oral Radiology
Units 3
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program.

This course focuses on radiation physics, biology, protection, quality, dental techniques, interpretation of errors, recognition of anatomical landmarks, and recognition of pathologies. Students practice and demonstrate competence using radiographic models and student patients in a clinical setting; all skills are taught to clinical competence. This course builds on basic dental sciences and prepares for clinical dental hygiene practice.
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M 2
Head and Neck Anatomy
Units 2
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program.

This course studies the anatomical structures of the head and neck regions and relates these structures to the clinical practice of Dental Hygiene.
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M 2
Dental Health Educ/Seminar
Units 2
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program.

This course covers the principles and practices of prevention and control of dental disease with an emphasis on nutrition, plaque control, motivation, and chairside patient education.
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M 4
Introduction to Clinic
Units 4
Limitation on Enrollment: Enrollment in the Dental Hygiene Program.

This course offers an introduction to all clinical procedures and skills needed for Dental Hygiene.
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Spring Semester, First Year

15 Units Total
Pre. M 2
Local Anesthesia/Nitrous Oxide
Units 2
This course covers the pharmacology and physiology of local anesthetic agents and effective technique in delivery of these agents to the oral cavity. Focuses on the anatomy of the nerves, physiology of nerve conduction, and how anesthesia works. Discusses the prevention and management of associated emergencies. Skills are practiced in a clinical setting on student patients: all skills are taught to clinical competence.
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M 4
General and Oral Pathology
Units 4
This course covers pathological processes of inflammation, immunology defense, degeneration, neoplasm, developmental disorders, and healing and repair. It also includes recognition of abnormalities in the human body, with a special emphasis on normal and abnormal conditions in the oral cavity.
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Pre. M 2
Patient Management/Geriatrics
Units 2
This course teaches the characteristics of individual patients, the motivation of patients, and the management of patients with special needs. Treatment of the compromised patient and myofunctional therapy is presented.
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Pre. M 4
Clinical Practice I
Units 4
This course provides beginning clinical experience in the treatment of adult and child patients. Various clinical procedures utilizing scaling and polishing techniques, oral inspection, cancer screening, dental and periodontal charting, principles of ultrasonic scaling, plaque control instruction and fluoride application will be taught.
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Pre. M 2
Clinic I Seminar
Units 2
This course provides expanded learning opportunities related to clinical dental hygiene care through lecture, discussion, and demonstration.
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Pre. M 1
Nutrition in Dentistry
Units 1
This course provides the basic principles of nutrition with relation to oral health. The intention of this course is to provide students with the skills necessary to perform dietary surveys on clinic patients and plan nutritional dietary programs to address patient needs.
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Fall Semester, Second Year

14 Units Total
Pre. M 3
Periodontology I
Units 3
A course in Periodontology teaches the scientific study of the structures and function of the periodontium in both health and disease, the etiology and principles of periodontal diseases, examination procedures, treatment and preventative measures.
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Pre. M 2
Units 2
This course focuses on pharmacology as it affects the clinical practice of dental hygiene. Emphasizes drugs commonly used in the dental profession for treatment of common systemic and oral diseases and for emergency treatment. Focuses on the effects, administration, and toxicology of pharmacodynamics. Builds on basic and dental sciences and prepares for clinical dental hygiene practice.
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Pre. M 2
Dental Materials
Units 2
This course presents the history, composition, chemical and physical properties and use of materials commonly utilized in the dental laboratory and dental operatory. Builds on dental sciences. Provides laboratory experience in performing common dental laboratory procedures and prepares for the clinical practice of extended functions. All skills are taught to competence.
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Pre. M 2
Advanced Clinical Topics
Units 2
This course is designed to present advanced topics and current technology used in the dental and dental hygiene field such as soft tissue curettage, root morphology and periodontal instrumentation, oral brush biopsy, non-surgical periodontal dressings, care for dental implants, oral maxillofacial surgery and orthodontics.
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M 4
Clinical Practice II
Units 4
This course covers advanced skills of dental hygiene practice, including assessment and treatment, which are practiced on patients in a clinical setting, with emphasis on planning and comprehensive treatment; all skills are taught to competencies specific to the course. This course expands on the procedures and techniques introduced in previous preclinical and clinical courses. Builds on basic dental sciences and prepares for clinical dental hygiene practice.
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Pre. M 1
Clinical II Seminar
Units 1
This course provides an expanded learning experience through discussion of dental hygiene care for the culturally diverse, tobacco cessation counseling, and seminar study of clinical cases. Builds on basic and dental sciences and prepares for clinical dental hygiene practice.
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Spring Semester, Second Year

13 Units Total
Pre. M 1
Periodontology II
Units 1
This is a course to enhance assessment skills applicable in the treatment of patients with advanced periodontal disease. The goal of this course is to teach the dental hygienist ethical and clinical responsibility in periodontal disorders and to teach the relationship of the specialty practice of periodontics within the broad scope of dentistry and the legal ramifications thereof.
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Pre. M 1
Practice & Financial Management
Units 1
This course covers office practice management, ethical and legal aspects of dentistry and dental hygiene, and business matters relating to dental hygiene practice.
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Pre. M 2
Clinical III Seminar
Units 2
This course provides an expanded clinical experience exposure through independent study or additional clinical experience.
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Pre. M 4
Clinical Practice III
Units 4
This course provides students with the opportunity to become more proficient in the clinical skills learned and practiced in previous clinical courses and to prepare them for success on their state and national board examinations.
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Pre. M 3
Community Oral Health
Units 3
This course introduces students to the principles and practices of dental public health. The emphasis is placed on the role of the dental hygienist as an innovator of, and an educator in community health programs. Public health issues will be introduced and completely discussed.
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Pre. M 2
Ethics and Jurisprudence
Units 2
This course is a study of the fundamental factors necessary to be employed and practice within the ethical and legal framework of the State Dental Practice Act and Code of Ethics of the American Dental Association.
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Please see a counselor to discuss options for meeting general education requirements for transfer to California State Universities (CSU) and/or University of California (UC) campuses, as well as any specific additional courses that may be required by your chosen institution of transfer.

*Alternative Courses: Please see a Shasta College counselor for alternative course options. You can also view the following to find other courses to meet degree/certificate requirements:

Need a print out? Feel free to download and/or print out a copy of the sample program map(s).

Contact Us for More Information

Academic/Instructional Division Office

Health Sciences

Contact Info
Location Downtown Redding Campus | 1400 Market Street, Suite 8204 | Redding, CA 96001
Mailing Health Sciences Division | PO Box 496006 | Redding, CA 96049-6006
Alternative Phone (530) 339-3661

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