CLEP stands for College Level Examination Program. CLEP Exams are offered by the College Board to give students an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge in academic subjects through a national, standardized exam.

Credit through the College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Please note the following opportunities and restrictions for credit through CLEP Exams:

  • A scaled score of 50 or higher on a CLEP examination will earn credit for most exams. See chart below for exceptions. (For the older General Exams, a score of 500 or better will earn credit).
  • Units awarded for satisfactory completion of CLEP examinations will post as electives, except as noted by departmental policy referenced below.
  • Grades and grade points will not be assigned to CLEP units.
  • Units awarded through CLEP will not apply toward the 12-unit residence requirement for Shasta College associate degrees.
  • The University of California (UC) does not accept credit earned through CLEP exams.
  • All California State University campuses will accept the exams shown below in the matrix toward fulfillment of the designated General Education-Breadth area if the examination is included in a full or subject-area certification. The CSU campus to which the student is transferring determines the total number of units awarded for successful completion of a CLEP examination and the applicability of the examination to other graduation requirements.
  • For CSU campuses: CLEP Language other than English exams: If a student passes more than one CLEP test in the same language other than English (e.g., two exams in French), then only one examination may be applied to the baccalaureate. For each test in a language other than English, a passing score of 50 is considered “Level I” and earns six units of baccalaureate credit; the higher score listed for each test is considered “Level II” and earns additional units of credit and placement in Area C2 of GE Breadth.
  • Please note that other transfer institutions may not allow and/or may limit CLEP credit. Contact your Counselor for more information if you are planning to transfer to a university to discuss transferability of CLEP exam credit.
  • See Board Policy/Administrative Procedure 4235 for more information.

How to earn credit through CLEP:

  1. Review the CLEP Credit Matrix below to see what credit you could earn at Shasta College for equivalent courses and/or general education.
  2. Review exams and register for a CLEP exam through College Board.
  3. Request your official CLEP scores to be sent from “My CLEP Student Portal” on the College Board website to the Shasta College Admissions and Record Office, P.O. Box 496006, Redding, CA 96049-6006.
  4. Upon receipt of your official CLEP scores, the Admissions and Records Office will determine equivalent course or general education area and unit equivalencies according to the Shasta College CLEP Credit Matrix (see below), and post coursework and units to your Shasta College transcripts.

Is there a cost for the CLEP exams?

The cost of a CLEP exam is $95. This is already less than paying for a 3-unit college class, but you could take a CLEP exam for FREE:

  • There are military benefits that can cover the exam fee.
  • For any student (including military) Modern States offers FREE, self-paced online courses help you prepare for specific CLEP exams. If you complete the course, you can request a CLEP voucher from the Modern States website to waiver the $95 CLEP Exam fee. 

CLEP Credit Matrix 

CLEP Exam Passing Score Equivalent Shasta College Course Min. Sem. Credits Earned Toward CSU Admssn* shasta college ge area CSU GE Area Removal Date for GE Breadth
American Government 50 POLS 2 3 Social/Behavioral Science D  
American Literature 50 ENGL 11A or ENGL 11B 3 Humanities C2  
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature 50 N/A 3 Humanities C2  
Biology 50 BIOL 10 3 Natural Sciences B2  
Calculus 50 MATH 3A 3 Language and Rationality B4  
Chemistry 50 N/A 3 Natural Sciences B1  
College Algebra 50 N/A 3 Language and Rationality B4  
College Algebra – Trigonometry 50 N/A 3 Language and Rationality B4  
College Composition 50 ENGL 1A♦♦ 0 Language and Rationality N/A  
College Composition – Modular 50 N/A 0 N/A N/A  
College Mathematics 50 N/A 0 N/A N/A  
English Composition (no essay) 50 N/A 0 N/A N/A  
English Composition with essay 50 N/A 0 N/A N/A  
English Literature 50 ENGL 13A or ENGL 13B 3 Humanties C2 F11**
Financial Accounting 50 ACCT 2 3 N/A N/A  
French Level I 50 N/A 6 N/A N/A  
French Level II 59 N/A 9 Humanities C2  
Freshman College Composition 50 N/A 0 N/A N/A  
German Level I 50 N/A 6 N/A N/A  
German Level II 60 N/A 9 Humanities C2  
History, United States I 50 HIST 17A 3 Social/Behavioral Science D + US-1  
History, United States II 50 HIST 17B 3 Social/Behavioral Science D + US-1  
Human Growth and Development 50 ECE 1 3 Social/Behavioral Science E  
Humanities 50 N/A 3 Humanities C2  
Information Systems and Computer Applications 50 N/A 3 N/A N/A  
Introduction to Educational Psychology 50 N/A 3 N/A N/A  
Introductory Business Law 50 BUAD 6 3 N/A N/A  
Introductory Psychology 50 PSYC 1A 3 Social/Behavioral Science D  
Introductory Sociology 50 SOC 1 3 Social/Behavioral Science D  
Natural Sciences 50 N/A 3 Natural Sciences B1 or B2  
Pre-Calculus 50 MATH 2 3 Language and Rationality B4  
Principles of Accounting 50 N/A 3 N/A N/A  
Principles of Macroeconomics 50 ECON 1B 3 Social/Behavioral Science D  
Principles of Management 50 BUAD 91 3 N/A N/A  
Principles of Marketing 50 BUAD 77 3 N/A N/A  
Principles of Microeconomics 50 ECON 1A 3 Social/Behavioral Science D  
Social Sciences and History 50 N/A 0 N/A N/A  
Spanish Level I 50 N/A 6 N/A N/A  
Spanish Level II 63 N/A 9 Humanities C2  
Trigonometry 50 N/A 3 3 B4 F06**
Western Civilization I 50 HIST 2 3 Humanities or Social/Behavioral Sciences C2 or D  
Western Civilization II 50 HIST 3 3 Social/Behavioral Sciences D  

Please Note: If Shasta College awards Credit for Prior Learning coursework and units, they will be used to fulfill your Shasta College graduation requirements. This coursework and associated units will be added to your Shasta College transcript. Financial Aid cannot be used to pay for units earned through CPL.

If you plan to transfer to another institution, please be aware that every college/university has their own policies about Credit for Prior Learning. What was accepted at Shasta College may not be accepted at another institution.

If you are planning to transfer to a California State University, please know that according to CSU Systemwide policy, CSUs will accept coursework earned through CPL for ADT degrees (AST/AAT), and full or partial CSU GE and/or CSU-IGETC certification. If you experience any problem with a CSU accepting your CPL coursework, please reach out to Buffy Tanner, Director of Innovation and Special Projects, so she can intervene with the CSU System on your behalf. 

Contact Us

Speak to a counselor for all Credit for Prior Learning options and how they can best meet your academic goals.