In some instances, it is necessary for a portfolio to be submitted in order to translate prior learning into course credit.  Each course contains different requirements. 

Please select the course subject area where you'd like to seek credit for prior learning:

  • Portfolio process is in development. Please check back in Spring 2025.

If you do not see your course subject area listed above, please follow this process to have your prior learning considered for credit:

  • Portfolio process is in development. Please check back in Spring 2025.

Please Note: If Shasta College awards Credit for Prior Learning coursework and units, they will be used to fulfill your Shasta College graduation requirements. This coursework and associated units will be added to your Shasta College transcript. Financial Aid cannot be used to pay for units earned through CPL.

If you plan to transfer to another institution, please be aware that every college/university has their own policies about Credit for Prior Learning. What was accepted at Shasta College may not be accepted at another institution.

If you are planning to transfer to a California State University, please know that according to CSU Systemwide policy, CSUs will accept coursework earned through CPL for ADT degrees (AST/AAT), and full or partial CSU GE and/or CSU-IGETC certification. If you experience any problem with a CSU accepting your CPL coursework, please reach out to Buffy Tanner, Director of Innovation and Special Projects, so she can intervene with the CSU System on your behalf.  

Contact Us

Speak to a counselor for all Credit for Prior Learning options and how they can best meet your academic goals.