Contact Info
Location Downtown Redding Community Leadership Center | 2nd Floor

Lorrie has been with Shasta College as the Coordinator for Contract & Community Education since 2006. As the Community Education Coordinator, Lorrie develops programs that provide for the needs of our community in the areas of personal growth and professional development. Her passion is lifelong learning.  She enjoys bringing that passion to the community by developing quality classes that challenge, inform, entertain, and enrich lives - classes that provide opportunities for learning new skills or expanding existing ones.     

As the coordinator for Contract Education, Lorrie is committed to providing services that respond to the workforce training needs of business and industry within our local communities. Contract Education services respond to the needs of businesses - helping to prepare their workforce to be competitive in an increasingly competitive global market. She works closely with local businesses and community partners to assess training needs and through Contract Education, coordinates the development and delivery of in-demand solutions to meet economic and workforce development challenges.

Prior to coming to Shasta College, Lorrie worked 17 years for the local WIOA Service Provider (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act), the Smart Business Resource Center. Over the years she held multiple positions; case manager, job developer, business resource specialist, and finally, Business Services Supervisor - dedicated to meeting the employment and training needs of our community.

Lorrie holds a Master’s Degree in Education and a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from Simpson University, and is Shasta College alum.