Vision Statement

Shasta College is a robust and innovative learning community inspired by data, inquiry, and civil discourse for the betterment of all students and the Shasta College community.

Mission Statement

Embracing a culture of inquiry driven by data-informed decisions and equity mindedness, Shasta College Research provides reliable, accessible data, research, and tools, supports research collaboration, and fosters innovative thought for the Shasta College community and local partnerships in efforts to achieve institutional goals and objectives.

Our Focus

Higher education institutions today are being asked by their accrediting agencies and communities to describe qualitatively and quantitatively their activities and outcomes. Institutions must adopt a culture of using data and examining evidence as part of the planning and decision making processes.

Shasta College Research, in collaboration with various administrative and instructional offices within the college, is the focal point for such analyses and dissemination of such data.

For Research Requests

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