
  • Shasta College Campus Closure Lifted

    After consulting with Public Safety agencies responsible for containing the Fawn Fire and monitoring the fire’s activity, Shasta College Campus Safety is confident that there is no immediate risk to the main campus. Therefore, Shasta College’s main Redding Campus will reopen, Saturday, September 25, 2021.

  • Shasta College Main Redding Campus Closure Update

    Due to the proximity of the Fawn Fire to the main Redding Campus all in-person services and instruction have been cancelled and the campus is closed for Thursday, September 23, 2021.

  • Shasta College Main Redding Campus Closure Update

    Because of the continued proximity of the Fawn Fire to the main Redding Campus we have decided to have the campus remain closed tomorrow, Friday, September 24, 2021. All in-person instruction and services on the Main campus will be cancelled.

  • Are You #VoteReady?

    It’s National Voter Registration Day on September 28, 2021. Student Life and Student Senate will be in the Cafeteria (information booth) on September 28th, from 10:00 am-1:00 pm. We will have voter registration packets available for students.

  • Shasta College Awarded $1.2 Million To Expand Dual Enrollment and Distant Learning Course Offerings

    Shasta College has been awarded a $1,276,639 federal grant from the U.S. Department of Education to expand dual enrollment course offerings through partnerships with local high school districts. The college was one of only four colleges in California and one of 62 colleges throughout the nation to receive an award. As a result of this grant, Shasta College will work with local high schools to...

  • Shasta College COVID-19 Guidance for Students

    Welcome back Shasta College Knights! We’re excited to launch the Fall 2021 semester and see more students returning to campus. As we begin more in-person interactions in the classrooms, offices, and outside of buildings there are a couple of simple guidelines to be aware of to help keep our campus community healthy and safe this coming semester.

  • Shasta College Foundation Gave Students $249K and 81 Chromebooks

    College students throughout Shasta, Trinity, and Tehama counties have struggled financially during the global pandemic. Many students had to choose between going to school, providing for their families, or staying home to raise and homeschool children…

  • Shasta College to Hold In-Person Graduation Ceremony

    Shasta College will hold the 71st Commencement ceremony on May 21, 2021, in the Shasta College Memorial Stadium as an in-person event. Due to COVID-19, the college will follow all social distancing guidelines and require anyone attending the ceremony to wear a mask while on district property.