
  • A Letter from Dr. Joe Wyse

    To the Shasta College Community: We have been closely monitoring developments surrounding the COVID-19 virus; federal, state, and county health agency directives and guidance; and local efforts related to COVID-19.

  • Fresh Success Grant

    $13.5K Foundation for California Community College's Grant

  • Athletic Celebrity Dinner Auction

    This year’s Athletic Celebrity Dinner Auction will be on March 20, 2020, at the Win River Casino Event Center. We are excited to have secured Eric Byrnes as our celebrity speaker! Eric, a former Major League Baseball outfielder, has played for the Oakland…

  • Graduation Filing Period

    Apply for Graduation Now! If you intend to get your degree in Summer ’19 or Fall ’19 you must apply prior to your final semester, February 4th – March 29th. In order to qualify for your degree you must have:

    All required coursework completed by the…

  • Power Outage Closure

    All Shasta College Campuses Closed Due To Planned PG&E Power Outage