Long-time Shasta College Trustee Harold Lucas Retiring
Harold Lucas, long-time Shasta College Trustee for Area F (serving portions of Tehama and Shasta Counties), is retiring from his service on the Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District Board of Trustees. Since 1985 Mr. Lucas has provided…
Harold Lucas, long-time Shasta College Trustee for Area F (serving portions of Tehama and Shasta Counties), is retiring from his service on the Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District Board of Trustees. Since 1985 Mr. Lucas has provided invaluable input that helped direct the college in best serving the needs of its students and the local community. Most notable is Mr. Lucas’ involvement in the Tehama Campus, a project in which he was instrumental from inception of the idea to its opening in August 2009. Throughout his many years of service, Mr. Lucas has been an advocate for education whether serving as a Trustee of the Red Bluff Union High School, as General Legal Counsel to the Tehama County Department of Education and Tehama County Schools, or as a part-time instructor at Shasta College.
Mr. Lucas’ contributions to the entire District are far-reaching and have had great impact on the breadth and quality of education in our community. Shasta College and its many thousands of students who have achieved their educational goals thank Mr. Lucas for his many years of dedicated service to the District.