Fall Enrollment is happening NOW!
We are actively enrolling for fall semester. Classes start August 17!
Vocal Institute Returns
This July, the Vocal Institute returns! Join the Shasta College Music Department online for 3 weeks of intensive, personal coaching from experienced professionals working in music today. This advanced mentoring is perfect for those who want to gain entry to a four year music program at a major university, or to learn how to transition to the role of a professional performer and artist!
Areas of focus will include diction, interpretation for performances or auditions, and vocal technique for musical theater and classical singers (encompassing both traditional bel canto and 'belt' vocalities). This 1-unit course will meet 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., Mondays through Thursdays, from July 13th to July 30th. Daily instruction will have both synchronous (time-bounded) and asynchronous (self-study) components.
Space is restricted to maintain a high-level of personal interaction. Enroll now and we’ll hear your amazing talent - online!
Strategies for Achieving a Work-Life Balance and Organizational Success
Employees who are happy with their work-life balance work 21% harder and are 33% more likely to stay at the organization. In today’s new normal, how can we find a balance between our work-life and home-life? Or better yet, should we? Participants will learn best practices to increase productivity and organizational success by strengthening work-life balance. Many sources of stress are beyond a leader’s control so tools to deal with the effects of stress in a healthy and productive way will be presented. This live webinar is FREE and open to the public. Thursday, July 16th. 11:00a.m.-12:00p.m.
In this webinar you will:
- Design a work-life balance plan
- Identify stress overload and stress reduction techniques
- Gain strategies to improve time management and prioritization of tasks
- Identify how time is spent during the day in order to increase productivity
Shasta College Professor Collaborates on World History Project
Shasta College is about to make history. Literally. Professor Jesse Lynch, a history instructor at Shasta College, is collaborating with the Open Educational Resource (OER) Project on their latest effort, the World History Project (https://whp.oerproject.com), to develop, evaluate, and apply a set of curriculum for his World Civilization classes. What makes this collaboration historic is that Professor Lynch’s work will eventually be made available to community colleges across the state and nation for free.
Professor Lynch plans to apply the material he is developing to his Shasta College World History classes this summer and fall. He will assess the success of the content in his classes and recommend including any articles, activities, lessons, videos, etc. from top historians around the planet. This new curriculum will then be made available for community college instructors across the state. Other community college systems across the nation will then incorporate it into their programs.
The World History project is a multi-million dollar OER. It is currently used in many high schools throughout the nation and is often one of the benchmarks for AP history programs. The OER Project is a coalition of educators and historians solely focused on boosting student engagement and achievement through transformational social studies programs.
Professor Jesse Lynch is a Redding native, Shasta College alumni, and a graduate from West Valley high school. From Shasta College, Lynch transferred to UCSC, where he did his undergrad work. He then continued his studies at San Francisco State, where he received his masters. Currently, Professor Lynch resides in England and is working on his doctorate in medieval history at the University of Exeter when he’s not teaching at Shasta College. Professor Lynch takes pride in his student’s success, “I remember the many hoops and hardships students face in becoming a student,” he is fond of saying. “I admire all my students and how they balance their lives while taking my intensive history courses and completing their degrees.”
For more information on the World History Project or any of Professor Lynch’s courses, email him at jlynch@shastacollege.edu.
The Shasta College Library
Hello Faculty! The Shasta College Library is here for you this summer! The library building is closed but we are available ONLINE for you and your students via Email at askalibrarian@shastacollege.edu or Appointments via Zoom or, you can try our Online chat. Prefer to talk to a real person? Call us at 530-242-7551. Please note that the library no longer requires library cards to access online resources. Students can access resources using their Canvas/Shasta College Portal login credentials. Have a great summer!
Horticulture Professor Helps Donate 4-H and FFA Meat To Local Pantries
Professor Leimone Waite, Horticulture Instructor at Shasta College and FFA/4-H supporter, is working with local FFA and 4-H groups to donate frozen meat from the upcoming Jr. Livestock Auction to community food pantries. Every year the Shasta District Fair hosts a Jr. Livestock Auction for 4-H and FFA members who have raised an animal (hog, lamb, steer, or goat). Buyers bid on the animals and then donate the meat they did not need back to the local 4-H and FFA for a BBQ that is part of Anderson Explodes fireworks show and community barbeque. Due to COVID-19 the BBQ has been cancelled for this year and the typically donated meat has no subsequent place or group to be donated to. Leimone is hoping buyers who typically would donate to the BBQ will instead consider donating to local food banks this year and has developed a plan to help make that vision a reality.
Leimone pitched her idea to some of the food pantries in the local area to see if there was a need and if they could receive the frozen meet. She received an overwhelmingly positive response. Several food banks have recently seen an increase in food insecurity as funds from stimulus checks begin to run out. Leimone and her husband have committed to pay for the cut and wrap fees for any of the meat donated to the food banks. They will also coordinate the distribution of the meat to the local pantries and food banks.
For more information about the Jr. Livestock Auction, or to sign up to be a buyer, see the Shasta District Fair website. https://www.shastadistrictfairandeventcenter.com/junior-livestock-auction. There will be a place on the buyer’s bid sheet to indicate that you want to donate to the local food banks.
TRIO Upward Bound goes Virtual for 2020
The Shasta College TRIO Upward Bound program is going completely virtual this summer—including their theme, “Virtual Vision 2020.” The program is comprised of 25 students—11 from Enterprise High School and 13 from Central Valley High School. As part of the program students receive school supplies, a backpack and a t-shirt. If needed they can be loaned a Chromebook to complete their online classes and meetings. Students also received weekly food staples. Students choose to participate in one of three levels of commitment where activities include social and cultural events, enrichment classes, enrollment in a Shasta College class, and/or a research project which includes a presentation during final week. Tutoring support is provided for all these options. Examples of cultural activities the students might engage in would be a Variety or Cooking Show, other fun/traditional activities such as "spirit week," fun online icebreakers, and online college tours. UB enrichment classes this year include Japanese, English and Math and help prepare these students for the next school year. The work study research/career project is being offered to students who wish to study/dig deeper and provide a research report on a specific topic of interest or career. The program is 6 weeks long, 5 days a week. It is offered to all TRIO Upward Bound freshman, sophomores and juniors.
In addition, a summer bridge program consisting of 8 zoom workshops to prep for college enrollment in the fall is being offered to all 2020 TRIO UB and TRIO Educational Talent Search graduates. TRIO Tuesday at 10am is provided by TRIO Students Support Services staff and Study Smart Tutors.
For additional information or questions please contact Kelsey Moynahan at kmoynahan@shastacollege.edu or Sue Huizinga at shuizinga@shastacollege.edu
Shasta College Foundation “Survive and Thrive” Fund
Thanks to the generosity of so many in our community, The Shasta College Foundation is once again accepting applications for its “Student Survive and Thrive” fund. As a reminder the “Survive and Thrive” fund is there to help fund basic life necessities for Shasta College students. To apply go to this link http://www.shastacollege.edu/Foundation/Pages/Student-Survive-and-Thrive-Fund.aspx, download, fill out and submit the application. You will be notified when/if we are able to accommodate your request. The Shasta College Foundation, after a review by their committee, was able to allocate over $18,000 to students during our last round of funding. Please share this information and the link with any Shasta College students you know.
Free Online Distance Consultation with Health and Wellness Center
The Student Health & Wellness Office is offering online distance consultations with the College Nurse and/or Psychological Counselor. If you know of a student who is struggling during this challenging time please refer them to the Student Health & Wellness office webpage. Students can fill out the “Distance Consultation” form (big blue button on the site) requesting contact from a member of the Health & Wellness Team. Students can call the office at (530) 242-7580.
Shasta College Zoom Backgrounds
If you’re like us there isn’t a day that goes by where we’re not staring glassy eyed…umm, with rapt attention at another Zoom meeting. Between the cat walking in front of your webcam, laundry hastily shoved in a closet (and not seeing that pair of undergarments still hanging out) or your kid/spouse/roommate making a special “guest appearance” there seems to be no end to the social mishaps of our new communication method. Well, the marketing department feels your pain so we’ve come up with some Shasta College branded backgrounds that you can make all your friends jealous of. Here they are: http://www.shastacollege.edu/Marketing/PR/Pages/brand-assets.aspx We’re busy fashioning more so check back often or throw us a request and we’ll try to accommodate. Zoom on in confidence that you don’t have to share every part of your fortress of solitude with your zoom buddies!
Shasta College Student Employment Services
Do you know of a student who has recently been laid off due to the COVID-19 closures? Do you have students who need help with doing an advanced job search? The Shasta College Student Employment Office can help students with these services and more! We provide professional advice and input on how to create an appealing resume or cover letter, plus we coach students on how to apply and interview for a new job—a lost art to be sure! In anticipation of increased hiring efforts after our community recovers from this crisis, the student employment center is here to give our students a significant advantage over other applicants and can show them how to prepare a polished application and cover letter, how to present themselves for an interview, and how to promote their skills and attributes to employers. Contact Lisa Petty to schedule a meeting to discuss your current needs and answer any questions. Phone: 530-242-7572 or Email: lpetty@shastacollege.edu
Returning Rental Books
Some good information to share with students on returning rental books to the bookstore.
- ALL RENTALS WILL NEED TO BE RETURNED BY FEDEX/UPS. We do not anticipate being able to accept rental returns in person.
- U.S. - Shipping labels can now be printed for 30 days post check-in date. An email was sent to all rental patrons last week with this information.
- Students can log into their renal account at www.shastacollegeshop.com(bottom of the page). If they did not set up an account, one was automatically set up for them. They will use the email address that the rental account was set up under and they will just have to choose the reset password option to create a password and access their account and print their shipping label.
- If a student cannot print a label they may drop the book off at the Shasta College Redding Main Campus as a last resort. Each book being dropped off MUST have a slip of paper inside the front cover with the student’s name, email address, and phone number printed legibly on it.
- Grace Period: Extended grace period from 3 days to 15 days after May 15th.
- Suspended Status: Turned off any rental patron going to suspended status for not returning their rentals until June 30, 2020.
- Accounts in Collections: Collections are on hold until further notice.
The Tutoring and Learning Center
The Tutoring and Learning Center (TLC) is excited to announce that we have transitioned our services to an online platform. Please check out this short video: TLC Online Welcome Video Please feel free to share the above video with students and also encourage your students that would normally come to our centers (including Extended Education) for math, science, writing, business, ESL or Spanish assistance to visit us online. Students can make an appointment with us through the following link: TLC Online Appointments. We also have the above information available on our TLC website. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or any members of our TLC Team for details, or contact us at TLC@shastacollege.edu.
Contact Info for Extended Ed
If you access your courses from or live near an Extended Education site, you can email or leave a message for staff using the contact information below:
Tehama: Tehama@shastacollege.edu (242.7750, ext. 2)
Intermountain: Intermountain@shastacollege.edu (242.7750, ext. 3)
Trinity: Trinity@shastacollege.edu (242.7750, ext. 4)
2020 Wellness Incentive Program
For Shasta College employees with medical benefits please download the2020 Wellness Incentive Tracker Form (http://www.stsigjpa.com/resources/programs/2019-20-wellness-tracker-pdf/). For 2020 STSIG will use just one form to report all activities.They will not be using Anthem or Navitus reports for wellness activities so every activity must be reported on this form. Spouses may also earn the 2020 wellness incentive by completing the same requirements and submitting a separate wellness tracker. Once you have completed the linked form, please return it to Leah Grant by email tolgrant@stsig.org or by fax at (530) 221-6225.The completed form must be submitted by October 31, 2020 in order to receive the 2020 wellness incentive. The Wellness Incentive continues to be a $100 visa gift card and is available to the primary subscriber and to their spouse if they are on the medical plan.
For more information on Shasta-Trinity Schools Insurance Group Wellness Incentive program, please visit their webpage:Shasta-Trinity Schools Insurance Group Wellness.
Current and archival newspaper collections at the Shasta College Library
The Shasta College Library provides online access to four newspaper collections, on and off campus.
- Access World News Over 600 regional U.S. newspapers including the Record Searchlight, Sacramento Bee, and San Francisco Chronicle. Also includes Acceda Noticias, a collection of Spanish language newspapers. 1980's to the present.
- U.S.Newsstream (formerly known as Proquest National Newspapers). Includes Christian Science Monitor, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post. 1980's to the present.
- Newspaper Source Plus Selected full text from 30 national newspapers as well as transcripts from CBS News, Fox News, NPR, and others. 1980s to the present.
- New York Times Historical Collection Complete New York Times coverage from its first year of publication. 1851-2014.
The Library also has an extensive collection of local and historic newspapers on microfilm. For more information, visit the library'sHistoric Newspapers research guide or Ask-a-Librarian.
Discounts and Benefits
If you’re looking to stay on top of all the great discounts and benefits you can enjoy as an employee of Shasta College look no further! Under the “Benefits” tab, checkout “Discounted Services” where you can find all manner of flyers regarding discounted services and additional benefit information updated throughout the year. Cheers! http://www.shastacollege.edu/Human%20Resources/Pages/Discounted-Services.aspx
The Chronicle of Higher Education
The Shasta College Library provides 24/7 access to The Chronicle of Higher Education. To access this premium content from The Chronicle:
On campus, access it from any computer. Go tohttps://www.chronicle.com/
Off campus, option 1: Create an account at The Chronicle’s site:
Go to https://www.chronicle.com/
Select Login
Select Create an Account
Off campus, option 2: Go the Library’sArticles and Databases page.
Select Chronicle of Higher Education
Enter your library card number (14 digits, no spaces)
Can’t find your library card? Can’t login? Ask-a-librarian!
For Your Health: Handwashing can help prevent illness!
It involves five simple and effective steps (Wet, Lather, Scrub, Rinse, Dry) you can take to reduce the spread of diarrheal and respiratory illness so you can stay healthy. Regular handwashing, particularly before and after certain activities, is one of the best ways to remove germs, avoid getting sick, and prevent the spread of germs to others. It’s quick, it’s simple, and it can keep us all from getting sick. Handwashing is a win for everyone, except the germs.
Learn more about when and how to wash your hands, the importance of using soap and water, and what you can do if soap and clean, running water are not available. Whether you are at home, at work, traveling, or already sick, find out how good hand hygiene can protect you, your family, and others. More…
Information from the CDC website
Mental Health News You Can Use
Lotus Educational Services, a local team of professionals connecting the world of education and mental health, provides a monthly newsletter full of helpful and healthful information about mental health and wellness. Be sure to check it out and share with friends, family and colleagues: Mental Health News You Can Use
Media Mentions for Shasta College
June 23-June 29, 2020
Shasta College Horticulture Professor Helps Donate 4-H and FFA Meat To Local Pantries
A News Café: From our PR
Published: June 26
Lions Club pays tribute to these seven all-star football athletes from the Redding area
Record Searchlight: 3 Football all-stars noted as planning to attend Shasta College.
Published: June 26, 1:00 p.m.
GWC Announces Selection of New Vice President of Instruction
GWC Newsroom: Meredith Randall, ex-CIO for SC accepted VP position at GWC. Mentions of SC in article.
Published: June 25, 9:00 p.m.
County helps fund fire training
Trinity Journal: Mention of the Fire Training Center at SC and Shield.
Published: June 24, 6:15 a.m.
Jerry Cousins and Karen Hammer: Watercolor & Wood, plus…
Trinity Journal: Main Street Gallery to feature 2 artists with ties to SC
Published: June 24
Fix 5 Project will widen Interstate 5 through the heart of Redding
KRCR: Mention of widening the I-5 off ramp for SC to two lanes
Published: June 24
Petra Torres-Rodriguez awarded Dennis Albright Scholarship
Red Bluff Daily News: Student receiving scholarship mentioned as planning to attend SC
Published: June 23, 10:25 a.m.
Tehama Shooters Association awards six scholarships
Red Bluff Daily News: A number of scholarship recipients noted as planning to attend Shasta College
Published: June 23, 10:33 a.m.
Please follow Shasta College on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!