President's Update: August 4, 2023
I trust your summer is going well. I look forward to seeing more students on our campuses as the fall term begins. I wanted to share with the community a portion of my board report that is being published today.
To the Shasta College Community:
I trust your summer is going well. I look forward to seeing more students on our campuses as the fall term begins. I wanted to share with the community a portion of my board report that is being published today.
It is exciting to be starting the 2023-24 academic year next week. I was asked the other day what I like about being part of Shasta College by some community members, and my answer was seeing the difference we make in individual student lives and the impact that has on their lives and their families, both their current family and future generations. We are so fortunate to work in an organization with a purpose and mission that is so meaningful. As we start a new year, I encourage us all to take a few moments and reflect on that fact, and allow it to impact our interactions to make this special place even more special over time.
As can be seen in the consent agenda, I am announcing my retirement effective after the fall 2023 semester. I have enjoyed my time at Shasta College, especially due to the many dedicated employees who are constantly striving to improve themselves and use innovative approaches to serve our students, our communities, and the region with distinction. From my perspective, the values we have created and nurtured over the years include always being willing to reflect on our work and think deeply on ways we can improve over time, being willing to try new things and take on new initiatives (being innovative), and working hard to bring new resources to our college in order to provide more and better opportunities to the students and communities we serve. Doing what is right and best for students has been a guiding star for me. It is the best of our culture that kept me excited to come into work over the years. My fervent wish is that the Shasta College team of employees will cling to these cultural traits and values and keep the pursuit of them part of the college's core institutional values. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all you have done to make Shasta College such a special place.
So this will be a year of transition for the college. I am confident that the college will make this leadership transition well and that you will continue to take on any challenges that come. I am proud of what we have accomplished together over the years and know that the future of Shasta College is bright.
Joe Wyse
Shasta College
11555 Old Oregon Trail
PO Box 496006
Redding, CA 96049-6006
Ph: 530-242-7510