Published April 30, 2021

To the Shasta College Community: 

As you know, nearly fourteen months ago, the operations of our District changed in a dramatic fashion due to the global pandemic and the guidance we received from state and local authorities in helping our communities and country slow the spread of the virus.  Fourteen months ago, we never envisioned the length of time we would remain in a remote work environment and certainly believed that a return to normal operations would be in a few months’ time. Since March 13, 2020, the faculty and staff of this District have pivoted to online learning and remote work arrangements to ensure that our students are able to continue meeting their educational goals in a safe and supportive environment. The tireless efforts of everyone involved have been nothing short of heroic, and I know our students and community value the contributions and sacrifices everyone at the college have made. I certainly do.

As we receive new guidance from our state and local partners on safely reopening, vaccines become more widely available, and the Governor’s June 15 re-open date approaches, we have begun planning for a return to in-person, on-campus work arrangements for employees. Our goal is that all Classified and Management employees will be back on-campus by August 1, 2021. As well, some of our faculty will continue to be present on our campuses as they have for the past year, and even more will do so as more courses and services will be available on our campuses over time.  Note that I say “by” August 1.  Many will be able to transition back to campus earlier.  Over the next three months as we work to return to campus, we will continue to monitor any new guidance as it’s issued and address any challenges a return to campus may present. If the past fourteen months have taught us anything, it is that this situation can and may change without much notice. We will do our very best at communicating out changes or new information when it becomes available, and we’ll be transparent with everyone on how it may impact our operations going forward.  We appreciate your patience and support as we all transition to this new phase in our operations.

In the coming weeks, you will receive specific information on how this transition will be achieved, including the return of equipment and technology taken home for use. Be assured that Shasta College will continue to be a leader in the community and will follow current Public Health guidance to ensure the safety of our students and staff. I encourage you to talk with your supervisors about this transition as they will be working with the EOC on all the various area plans necessary to make this transition as seamless and safe as possible.

Again, I cannot fully express the depth of my gratitude for the amazing work you all have done to help our students achieve their goals and feel supported during this pandemic.  Thank you for all you do. 


Joe Wyse
Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District
11555 Old Oregon Trail
Redding, CA 96049-6006