President's Update: August 4, 2021
To the Shasta College Community:
I recognize that there are some questions and discussions surrounding masking mandates, testing, vaccinations, and new ways of interacting with each other as we return to campus. Our EOC has been vigilant in monitoring…
To the Shasta College Community:
I recognize that there are some questions and discussions surrounding masking mandates, testing, vaccinations, and new ways of interacting with each other as we return to campus. Our EOC has been vigilant in monitoring any new guidance from CDC, CDPH, and other local and state agencies related to the pandemic and how those guidelines may impact our operations. Over the last 16 months, we’ve seen several changes in guidelines. We have exercised a measured response in our approach to implementing those policies deemed most necessary for the safety of everyone involved. Regardless, some confusion and frustration after 16 months are inevitable, and I appreciate your patience and the goodwill you continue to extend as we work through another adjustment.
In light of some of the latest information regarding the Delta variant and the policies from local, state, and federal agencies, I want to share with you how we are updating our guidelines to help reduce the risk of exposure to the COVID-19 virus while planning for more in-person activities:
First, we will be sending out a communication to all students and any visitors that masking will be mandatory regardless of vaccination status. We believe that this will be a significant step forward to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 during on-campus interactions.
Second, vaccinated employees will now need to provide HR with proof of their vaccination status in order to have the choice of whether or not to wear masks. Look for an email to come out soon on the steps for how to provide vaccination information. Please DO NOT send your proof of vaccination at this time. We will collect the information via an upload through the Dynamic Form software and securely stored in the Human Resources Office. For our staff and faculty who are unvaccinated (or those who do not disclose their vaccination status), you must also continue to wear face coverings indoors, unless you are alone in an office. Certain specialized groups, such as Food Services, may need to operate with additional requirements to those mentioned in this letter.
Third, we have found over the past year that routine, consistent testing is one of the best ways to identify and reduce transmission within large communities quickly. To help keep our campus community safe and disruption of services to a minimum, we will require specific student populations such as our athletes, dorm residents and Health Sciences to be tested weekly. In addition, all unvaccinated employees will also be required to be tested weekly. We’ll be sending out another email soon on how employees can make a recurring, weekly appointment for testing (of course, ANY employee, regardless of vaccination status, who has symptoms related to COVID-19, is welcome to make an appointment for a test). We anticipate this process to start by mid-August.
A few additional reminders:
One of the best ways to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 is for everyone to self-monitor and to stay home if you’re feeling sick or experiencing any of the symptoms associated with COVID-19, even if you’ve been vaccinated. Contact Campus Safety (242-7910) or Shasta College Health and Wellness (242-7580) to make an appointment to get tested. Accommodations will be made to reduce your risk of exposure to others and still get tested on campus.
Some common symptoms of COVID-19 may include; fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion, or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) affirm that all COVID-19 vaccines currently available in California are safe and effective at preventing severe illness from COVID-19. Californians ages 12+ are now eligible for vaccination. To get vaccinated, call (833) 422-4255 or visit Want to learn more? Go to:
The last 16 months have seen many changes for all of us. It’s reassuring that we are slowly bringing back more on-campus services and in-person instruction to our students. We will continue to monitor federal, state, and local guidelines, adjust our policies based on those sources, and communicate out to the campus community as soon as we have new directions. As we continue to see progress and a reduction in transmission rates, I’m confident that we’ll see many requirements begin to loosen and eventually go away.
I want to thank each of you for your continued patience and unity as we once again make a necessary change in our operations. I look forward to the start of the fall semester and serving our students for their continued success.
Joe Wyse
Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District
11555 Old Oregon Trail
Redding, CA 96049-6006