President's Update: March 10, 2021
It’s amazing to consider that it’s been nearly a year since our college and communities had to quickly adapt to the onset of COVID-19. Every day since then, I’ve been increasingly inspired by the selfless efforts and countless hours all of you have given in support and service to our students and communities. All of the work we’ve been able to do together under these extraordinary circumstances...
To the Shasta College community,
It’s amazing to consider that it’s been nearly a year since our college and communities had to quickly adapt to the onset of COVID-19. Every day since then, I’ve been increasingly inspired by the selfless efforts and countless hours all of you have given in support and service to our students and communities. All of the work we’ve been able to do together under these extraordinary circumstances is paying off as we look to selectively bring back on-site instruction for the Fall 2021 semester.
For the last several months, we have been looking at how to safely bring students back on campus for some courses. With encouraging daily reports that COVID-19 cases in the Shasta, Trinity, and Tehama region are on the decline, I am optimistic that the timing is right for more in-person instruction. When the Fall 2021 course schedule is released online on April 26, it will include a mix of on-site, hybrid, and online classes. Expanded on-site offerings will include Career Education (CE) classes as well as Agriculture and Farm courses. Other classes and labs that benefit from more hands-on and interactive instruction are being identified for possible on-site instruction. Please encourage your students to check the Fall Schedule when it is released for the complete list of options for on-site course offerings. Social distancing, masking, and sanitization policies will continue to be a mainstay for the fall semester.
Student and Business Services such as Counseling, Financial Aid, Tutoring, Library Services, and Food Services are being considered as we fully develop the district’s modified in-person plans. As some of you may know the Shasta College dorms have been remodeled to accommodate single-person occupancy in each room and are scheduled to reopen for Fall 2021. Upgrades to the Dorm’s Wi-Fi system will provide students with better access to online courses and resources.
I want to assure you that we will continue to assess ongoing public health conditions and guidance from public health agencies which may affect decisions regarding in-person services and business functions for this fall if they change over time. Summer session classes will continue to be primarily online, with some Career Education classes remaining in-person. Campuses will continue to restrict access during the summer session with check-in and self-assessment at the entrance to the main Redding campus, Health Science, and Tehama campuses, and appointments will continue to be required for certain student services.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Campus Safety team at (530) 242-7910 with questions.
Thank you again for your steadfastness, patience, and most of all teamwork as we all struggled together through this unprecedented time. I look forward to seeing some of you in person in the months ahead as we slowly welcome more students and employees back to campus.
Joe Wyse
Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District
11555 Old Oregon Trail
Redding, CA 96049-6006