Shasta College 1.6-Megawatt Solar Carport
Shasta College Goes Solar With Installation of a 1.6-Megawatt High-Efficiency SunPower Solar Carport
Shasta College will harness even more of the sun’s energy to achieve its sustainability and long-term electricity cost reduction goals for the district with the installation of an integrated SunPower solar carport in the East parking lot. When combined with the already established solar array located at the North end of campus, energy generated by the two systems will meet approximately 80 percent of the main campus’s annual electricity needs. The two solar power systems combined will reach over 2.6 megawatts (dc) in size, generating over 4 million kilowatt hours annually. This contributes directly to the State of California’s goal to meet 60 percent of the state’s energy needs with renewable resources by 2030, and 100 percent by 2045.
The most immediate impact upon Shasta College students will be a matter of comfort, as the solar carport will provide shaded parking during the hottest months of the year, something which hasn’t escaped their attention. Isabella Elizarraras, Shasta College Student Senate President and Student Trustee, sees the installation as “a gift” which, in addition to providing shelter from both the extremely hot summer weather and winter storms will serve as a representation of the college’s strides toward sustainability. Despite the fact that construction has led to partial closure of the parking lot, she reports that students believe that it will be “worth the wait.”
The high-efficiency solar installations are expected to offset approximately 2.977 metric tons of carbon emissions, leading to better regional air quality. Additionally, 10 electric vehicle charging stations will be incorporated into the solar carports, empowering students and staff with electric-powered vehicles to further support carbon emission reduction efforts.
Complementing the solar project will be a 483-kilowatt (900-kilowatt hour) Helix Storage system that provides additional savings by decreasing electricity demand charges during peak hours.
According to Shasta College Superintendent/President, Joe Wyse, “we are excited to move forward with a project that will benefit our campus and community for years to come.”
For additional information please contact Theresa Markword, Bond Program Manager by emailing her at