Published January 7, 2015

REDDING - The Shasta College Horticulture department is excited to be offering a new online class and bringing back a class that has not been offered for a couple of years:

Landscape Design (AGEH 35)-Local landscape designer Kirkwood Hale will be teaching Landscape Design at Shasta College this spring. The class will cover the design process from start to finished design. Students will learn how to use the landscape design software, DynaScapes, to produce professional looking landscape designs. Class meets Mondays from 4:00-7:00 p.m. and Wednesdays from 4:00-6:00 p.m. in room 1307. To sign up for the class go to and register for Section #S4665.

Plant Protection Materials.  “AGEH 61: Plant Protection Materials” is a new class offering that  will be fully online and covers topics in pesticide laws, regulations, risks, responsible use and environmental issues related to the use of agricultural chemicals. The class will also cover fertilizers, plant growth regulators, antimicrobials and the new generation pesticides. Sustainable practices will be emphasized and examples given to enable students to solve plant pest problems and to formulate pest/agrichemical management plans. This class will help prepare students to take the pesticide applicators exam and the laws and regulations portion of the PCA exam. It is an approved course for the Pest Control Advisor Certificate. Use Section #S0802 to sign up for the class.

For more information on any of these classes contact Leimone Waite at the Shasta College Horticulture Department: 242-2210 or or go online to the Shasta college web page