Published October 21, 2020

Hello Knights,

Shasta County Public Health recently announced that the State would be moving Shasta County to Tier 1 (Purple Tier) starting Tuesday, October 20. Because of the forward thinking of Shasta College leadership in deciding to maintain most classes online for the Fall semester, this change in status will have minimal impact for currently enrolled Shasta College students. Starting on Friday, October 23rd, the following procedures will be put into place:

  • All online classes will continue operating as they have been. 
  • Labs in the essential workforce categories such as Nursing, Welding, Automotive, Agriculture, Truck Driving, Fire, or EMS sectors will also not be affected. 
  • Lecture classes associated with entrance into an essential workforce class will be held outdoors as appropriate or will move to an online format. Students in these classes should contact their instructors for more information.   
  • The Bookstore will continue to be open and will be required to limit capacity to 25%.  
  • Library pick up will be by appointment only.  Please visit the Shasta College website for an appointment
  • The Student Health Center will be providing services via telehealth only.  Please visit the Health & Wellness App in the Shasta Portal for a telehealth appointment.  
  •  The District will pause Cafeteria operations while the county remains in the purple tier.
  • The District will continue to offer Wi-Fi to students in the parking lot of the Main, Tehama and Trinity campuses. 
  • All in-person Athletic practices and activities have been suspended for the remainder of the Fall semester.
  • All Student Services will be provided remotely. Please visit the website for more information.  

Shasta College recognizes and appreciates everyone's efforts to help our community to remain healthy and safe. Please continue to follow Local and State guidance on gatherings, hygiene, and protective equipment. Students who are coming on campus should continue to monitor their health, stay home if they are not feeling well, and report any symptoms to immediately.


Lonnie Seay
Director Campus Safety

For Shasta College COVID-19 Updates

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