The Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District Board of Trustees is pleased to announce it has appointed the following community members to the Measure H Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee effective July 1, 2017: Rick Fauss, Business Organization; Steve Hosler, Senior Citizens’ Organization; Joe Ayer, Taxpayers’ Association; Milagros Israel, Shasta College Student Representative; Robbie Middleton, College Support Organization; Paula Percy, At-Large Representative; and Lawrence Russell, At-Large Representative.

The District thanks these committee members for their willingness to serve on the Measure H Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee for the betterment of Shasta College and the local community.

Among its responsibilities, the committee will inform the public concerning the District’s expenditure of bond proceeds, review expenditure reports to ensure that bond proceeds are used only for the purposes set forth in Measure H, and prepare annual written reports to include a statement indicating whether the District is in compliance with California law, and a summary of the Committee’s proceedings and activities each year.

To learn more about Measure H and the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee, please visit our website at