The Shasta College Symphonic Band Invites New Members
The Shasta College Symphonic Band invites all interested musicians to join this 100+ member ensemble for the new Fall 2015 semester. There will be a brief special introductory meeting for all new members on Thursday, August 20th, at 7:00 p.m. in room…
The Shasta College Symphonic Band invites all interested musicians to join this 100+ member ensemble for the new Fall 2015 semester. There will be a brief special introductory meeting for all new members on Thursday, August 20th, at 7:00 p.m. in room 633 (Band Room) at Shasta College. Regular full rehearsals with the entire band will begin Thursday, August 27th, at 7:00 p.m. in room 633.
The ensemble is open to all community members who read music and play a standard wind band instrument (woodwind, brass, or percussion) and does not require auditions. The Symphonic Band, in its 37th year, is designed for all local musicians and the band’s primary musical philosophy is to create the best music possible within a supportive, low-pressure, and fun musical environment.
Additional questions can be answered by the Band’s Conductor, Dr. Larry Grandy, at 242-2362 or Division Office at 242-7730.