Please note that the Shasta College Trinity Campus WILL BE OPENED TOMORROW, Thursday, September 7, 2017. Thank you to everyone who has been working to support our students during this time to ensure they were safe and still able to access class lectures and updates.
Updates on the Helena Fire can be found here:
Other emergency alerts for Weaverville can be found here:
The Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Joint Community College District will continue to provide you updated information on the Helena Fire on the Campus Safety webpage:
All members of the public, especially those with respiratory or heart disease, the elderly, pregnant women, and children should avoid prolonged outdoor exertion.
Everyone else should limit prolonged exertion in areas of noticeable smoke accumulation.
Individuals wishing to minimize their exposure should:
- Limit exercise and outdoor activities
- Remain indoors with the windows and doors closed
- Turn on an air conditioner with a recirculation setting (such as in a vehicle)
- Do not run fans that bring smoky outdoor air inside - examples include swamp coolers, whole-house fans, and fresh air ventilation systems
- Run your air-conditioner only if it does not bring smoke in from the outdoors
- Change the standard air conditioner filter to a medium or high efficiency filter
- If available, use the "re-circulate" or "recycle" setting on the unit
- Do not smoke, fry food, or do other things that will create indoor air pollution
Lonnie Seay
Director of Campus Safety