Published January 20, 2015

On Saturday, January 24th from 10:00 a.m. till 1:00 p.m. come take part in a FREE horticulture workshop on Fruit Trees: Selection and Maintenance on the Shasta College Farm, Building 4000. This workshop will provide information on: Site and fruit tree variety selection for Shasta County, proper planting and initial training of young trees, dormant season pest and disease management, and collecting scion wood to propagate your favorite fruit tree. 

The second in our series of free horticultural workshops will be on Pruning and Grafting Fruit Trees on Sunday, February 15th from 1:00 till 3:30 p.m. on the Shasta College Farm, Building 4000. This workshop will cover:  Dormant season and summer pruning, grating to propagate fruit trees, and summer maintenance to increase production, reduce pests and handle drought.

Workshop instructors will include: 

  • Leimone Waite, Shasta College Horticulture Department
  • Carol Fall, UCCE Master Gardeners of Trinity County
  • Rico Montenegro, Certified Arborist

You can attend either or both workshops. For more information go to the event calendar at Sponsored by Shasta College Horticulture Department and the Master Gardeners of Shasta County