Articulation & Equivalency: What Transfers?
Should you decide to transfer to a four-year university after earning your degree here at Shasta College, it is important you verify that the classes you are taking will count at the university of your choosing.
Shasta College courses numbered 1-99 are transferable to all CSU (California State University) campuses. If you plan to transfer to any other school outside of the CSU system, please make an appointment with a Shasta College counselor to verify that all the classes you are taking are transferable.
What is Articulation?
Articulation is the process of faculty review and evaluation to determine whether coursework completed at one institution will meet requirements for admission, transfer credit, general education and or major preparation at another institution. The purpose of articulation between institutions is to facilitate the process of enrolling students from high school or another institution to Shasta College and from Shasta College to four-year institutions. Completing an articulated course, for a specific major or for general education, allows students to satisfy a university admission and/or graduation requirement while at Shasta College prior to transferring. Shasta College shall strive to eliminate barriers to transfer for credit and to support student transitions from one institution to another.
Shasta College’s Articulation Officer coordinates activities to develop and maintain articulation agreements with other institutions. Articulation activities with college and universities are guided by the procedures outlined in the current edition of the California Articulation Policies and Procedures Handbook Published by the California Intersegmental Articulation Council, a professional organization of California College and university articulation officers.
Many colleges have articulation agreements, which define which courses they consider comparable. We have articulation agreements with University of California (UC), California State University (CSU), and some accredited private and out-of-state colleges.
California Public Universities (CSU and UC)
To check to see if the classes you are taking at Shasta College will be applicable at the school you are transferring to within California, follow the link below to the ASSIST website:
- SU Advanced Placement
- CSU East Bay
- CSU Chico
- CSU Sacramento
- Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
- UC Advanced Placement
- UC Berkeley
- UC Merced
- San Jose State University
California Community Colleges
- Butte Community College - Dental Hygiene (PDF)
- Fresno City College
Out of State Colleges and Universities
- Arizona State University
- Columbia College (PDF)
- AA-T Psychology (PDF)
- AS-T Business Administration (PDF)
- Ohio University (PDF)
- Oregon Institute of Technology
- Palmer College of Chiropractic
- Southern New Hampshire University
- Southern Oregon University
- University of Nevada, Reno
Independent Colleges and Universities (AICCU)
Some California Independent Colleges and Universities accept completed IGETC or CSU GE Breadth Coursework for Transfer Admission
- Azusa Pacific University (PDF)
- National University
- Reach University (PDF)
- San Francisco Bay University (PDF)
- Simpson University- TES
Successful transfer planning involves developing an educational plan that includes completing articulated courses for major preparation and general education. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with a Shasta College Counselor to develop an educational plan. You can make appointments through our Shasta College Counseling.
General Education Advising Worksheets
This is for advising purposes only and not a student educational plan:
- SC 2024-2025 IGETC GE Advising Worksheet (PDF)
- SC 2024-2025 CSU GE Advising Worksheet (PDF)
- SC 2024-2025 Local GE Advising Worksheet (PDF)
To learn more and view the GE patterns, please visit the following: General Education for Transfer.
To Current and Prospective Students: The information provided in this system is meant to be used as a guide only for how your current or former courses from a previous institution will transfer to Shasta College. This comprehensive database does not guarantee that all courses are listed. Course equivalences provided through TES are subject to change as institutions and updated courses are frequently added and amended.
Please schedule an appointment with a counselor as final decisions regarding transferable courses are contingent upon official transcript evaluations and your educational goal.
- Shasta College TES (Website)
Pass-along is a process where Shasta College considers course work taken at another institution prior to enrolling at Shasta College when certifying work for one of the local, IGETC, CSU GE patterns or major preparatory courses.
If you have a general education course from a regionally accredited institution that is NOT part of the California Community College system and would like it to be formally approved, please complete this form: Shasta College Pass Along Petition Form (PDF).
Ethnic Studies Resources for Students
- What is the new Ethnic Studies Requirement?
- Ethnic Studies offers students the opportunity to study the historical development and social significance of race and ethnicity in the United States and to develop the skills and knowledge necessary for success in an increasingly diverse environment.
- Who needs to complete the new Ethnic Studies requirement?
- Transferring to a CSU: Catalog year Fall 2021 or later.
- Fall 2023 CSU GE PATTERN (PDF)
- Transferring to a UC: Catalog year Fall 2023 or later.
- Local Associates: Catalog year Fall 2024 or later.
- Transferring to a CSU: Catalog year Fall 2021 or later.
- What courses meet the Ethnic Studies requirement?
- ETHS 1- Introduction to Ethnic Studies
This course takes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of race and ethnicity in the United States. It examines social justice movements in relation to ethnic and racial groups in the United States to provide a basis for a better understanding of the socioeconomic, cultural, and political conditions among key social groups including, but not limited to, Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latina/o Americans. This course examines the systemic nature of racial/ethnic oppression through an examination of key concepts including racialization and ethnocentrism, with a specific focus on the persistence of white supremacy. Using an anti-racist framework, the course will examine historical and contemporary social movements dedicated to the decolonization of social institutions, resistance, and social justice. This course may be offered in a distance education format. (CSU/UC transferable). - ETHS 5- Introduction to Asian American Studies
This course critically examines Asian American histories and contemporary experiences from diverse ethnic perspectives within Asian America: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipinx, Hmong, Mien, Laotian, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Thai, Asian Indian, and Native Hawaiian. We will analyze scholarly, literary, and visual resources to understand how the interdisciplinary field of Asian American Studies confronts issues such as immigration, racialization, racism, exclusion, political and social activism, assimilation, and community-building. The term “Asian American” can often be misleading, inclusive, exclusive, and overwhelmingly broad. Because of this, the course pays particular attention to personal narratives as we explore questions of race, class, war, imperialism, gender, sexuality, culture, memory, and agency. This course may be offered in a distance education format. (CSU/UC transferable). - ETHS 11- Intersectionality of Race, Ethnicity, and Health
This course introduces the student to the field of Ethnic Studies with a focus on the intersectionality of race, ethnicity, and health. The course explores such core concepts as colonization, racialization, the structures of racism, and how health is impacted by structural racism. The core concepts are explored by examining their impacts on African American and Native American communities. This course may be offered in a distance education format. (CSU/UC transferable)
- ETHS 1- Introduction to Ethnic Studies
Ethnic Studies Resources for Faculty/Staff
- ICAS-Cal-GETC Standards v 1.1 (PDF)
- IGETC Standards v.2.4 (PDF)
- Ethnic Studies core competencies:
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