Student Accounts: To secure student accounts an extra layer of security has been enabled as of July 3rd, 2024. If you are a student experiencing trouble accessing your Shasta Portal account or you think your account may be compromised, please submit a Help Ticket found here:
Student Emails: A reminder to all students that the Office 365 Outlook email in your Shasta Portal is the primary email used by the district for important updates, including emails from your instructors. Make sure to check your email daily. For more information visit:
Invest in yourself! Discover a passion, find a calling, develop your skill set, create a career, raise your awareness, satisfy your curiosity, or find your bliss - at Community Education.
Foster & Kinship Care Education
Providing quality education (including free classes) and support to the caregivers of children in out-of-home care, helping these caregivers to meet the emotional, behavioral and developmental needs of the children in their care.
Adult Education / Better.Jobs
Within Shasta-Tehama-Trinity Counties various community and educational partners, by the name of Better.Jobs work collaboratively to create, expand and streamline educational services for adults (18+)
Business Training Center
We provide workforce training services to businesses in the private and public sectors throughout Shasta, Tehama, and Trinity counties.