
  • President's Update: March 23, 2023

    If you are like me, this term has felt busier and more “normal” than any other in the last few years. We are not done, however, evaluating the effects of the pandemic on the way in which we operate into the future, but I believe we are up to the challenge of figuring it out.

  • President's Update: February 8, 2023

    To the Shasta College Community:
    I trust your semester continues to progress well. It certainly seems to be flying by!
    Success Stories There are two stories I’d like to highlight today. First I want to draw your attention to an article that just came…

  • President's Update: December 15, 2022

    As we close the fall 2022 semester, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to you all for your continued excellent service to our students and our communities. Shasta College plays such an important role in improving the lives of our students that can influence generations to come. Over time, our first generation students will be role models to their children to pursue education as a...

  • President's Update: November 16, 2022

    I trust your semester continues to progress well. I am hopeful that most of us will enjoy some time to catch up and relax next week over Thanksgiving break. I can hardly believe we are already at this point in the semester!

  • President's Update: September 28, 2022

    To the Shasta College Community:
    It has been a while since my last update.  It sure is nice to have the crisp fall mornings and warm afternoons we experience this time of year.  October is just around the corner, and I am hopeful that the September storms…

  • President's Update: May 26, 2022

    It sure was nice to see our community gather and celebrate our students at graduation last Friday night. A huge thank you goes out to all involved, especially student services for their great coordination, as well as physical plant, campus safety, and food services. It is a real team effort and it went very smoothly.

  • President's Update: May 25, 2022

    It is with great sadness that I write to you in light of the tragic and violent incident our nation is experiencing. I simply cannot comprehend what loss and grief the families in Uvalde, Texas are experiencing. My message to you is simple – please find a friend or loved one with whom you are comfortable to talk to and grieve with during times like these.

  • President's Update: May 5, 2022

    Happy Cinco de Mayo! We are already in May and the end of the semester is in sight. It will be exciting to hold our commencement ceremony on May 20th. Celebrating our students’ success is so important for our community.

  • President's Update: March 10, 2022

    I trust your week is going well. I have a few updates to share today focusing around some Success Stories: Congratulations to our Starbucks store manager, Nick Koenig, who was awarded Manager of the Quarter last month. He was voted #1 out of 165 stores in our region for customer care, teamwork and performance. Congratulations to Nick and his hard-working team at Starbucks!

  • President's Update: March 2, 2022

    The war in Ukraine is causing concern for all of us. It can be disheartening and causing added stress in our lives at a time when we have had many difficulties over the past few years with the various emergencies we have faced. Chancellor Oakley sent a message out today that I am forwarding below my signature line.